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MEC1281 G3 2022


Critical Reflection for MEC1281

10 weeks ago, back in my letter of introduction, I mentioned two goals that I have set for myself. Firstly, it was to improve on my weakness, which is conveying my thoughts into words. Secondly, it was to make formal writing a second nature. One of the key points of effective communication is to be able to send out your point clearly, fluently, and efficiently, so there will be no miscommunications or misunderstandings. Hence, these were my goals for this course. Looking back at these goals now that the module has ended, there is still room for improvement. However, I can confidently say that I’ve achieved these objectives to a large extent. One of the main contributors to these achievements would be “Dewey’s Model of Reflective Thought and Action”. Reflection isn’t a new concept to me, but when I encountered this model, I realized that reflection is a much more intricate process. The model breaks up reflection into 5 different steps. The first is being aware of an issue. The second is