Soul of Communication

 Subject: Thoughts on Communication and Critical Thinking impacting my future role as a leader

In the last 4 weeks of lessons in Effective Communication (MEC1281), I've definitely been made more aware of the importance of communication and critical thinking skills, as well as the repercussions it brings or the difference it makes. The short excerpt taken from the article on "The Soul of Communication" on Pearson’s TalentLens website, also mentions that the lack of communication skills and critical thinking can actually impact the success of companies and their projects. I feel that with MEC1281, I am able to better improve my communication skills and pick up more critical thinking methods and habits. Given that, I see the road of my future role as a leader to be a much easier and more fluent task. I will minimally have the skills required to take on the role and to also execute better. This is because I will know how to communicate clearly and effectively to my subordinates so as to get a job done correctly. During projects, good communication skills can help close the distance between myself and unfamiliar colleagues, or when making suggestions or sharing ideas during brainstorming. Critical thinking skills can help to evaluate the problem and come up with feasible solutions quicker, eliminating unnecessary ideas. 

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